L&M Engineering Limited is a Northern Interior consulting company which specializes in providing civil engineering and planning services throughout northern British Columbia.
L&M Engineering Limited is a Northern Interior consulting company which specializes in the provision of a variety of civil engineering and planning services throughout northern British Columbia. L&M Engineering Limited was incorporated in 1985, and has provided quality planning and engineering services since that time. At the present time, L&M Engineering is a locally-owned company which consists of a partnership of senior engineers and planners who have been residents of Prince George for a considerable period of time. Our corporate vision is to continue to advance our expertise as the leading planning and engineering firm in North-Central British Columbia. Our multi-disciplinary team strengthens our ability to offer comprehensive services to our clients in all aspects of community planning, land development, and civil engineering. We offer an interactive client service approach and our goal is to provide our clients with customized services that meet their needs with skill, ingenuity and economy.